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Folder Human Sexuality: the Word and the World

Ironical isn't it, that so much dis-union surrounds sexual union. Perhaps nowhere else, other than the abortion debate, is the deep division of our society on such embittered and embattled display. May these articles add light, not heat.

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pdf An Open Letter about Homosexual Issues Popular

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C&W An Open Letter about Homosexual Issues.pdf

I wrote this letter in answer to questions from a parishioner concerning progressive revelation, and the relationship of this issue to other things that the Church had been “wrong” about, such as divorce, women in ministry and slavery and race.

pdf F.A.Q.s about the Homosexual Issue Popular

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C&W FAQs about the Homosexual Issue.pdf

When our denomination ordained a gay bishop, I discovered that many of our parishioners had not thought through the many relevant Biblical questions that surround this issue. I wrote this F.A.Q. sheet in answer to those questions.

pdf The Supreme Court and Same Sex Marriage Popular

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C&W Supreme Court and Same Sex Marriage.pdf

I wrote this in the month prior to the 2015 Supreme Court decision in order to stir up informed prayer partners to intercede for traditional marriage. We obviously didn't get the decision we wanted, but this article provoked a lot of intense debate...

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