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"Praying through" means that we persevere in prayer until the release and peace come from the Lord and the burden is so fully and finally lifted to Him that we see no reason to take it back. We are actually at peace with the situation God has allowed.

pdf Rescued from Hell Popular

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Rescued from Hell is the bizarre tale of an unsuspecting spiritual voyager caught in a spider web of New Age “spirituality” and cocooned in a terrifying, soul-destroying nether land that lasted for a decade. Then came the utterly amazing Rescue...

pdf Salvation Basics Popular

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Jesus Christ is not just the way to heaven, He is the only way to live a heavenly life down here. Salvation Basics brings answers to humanity’s most pressing questions, including how to live the new life of faith and grace in this life, as well as the next.

pdf Scriptures Describing God's Redemptive Work Popular

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Romans 8:28 carries a promise so powerful and so all-encompassing that we hardly need anything else to put us over the top. Yet, even scripture tells us that every word of truth should be confirmend by two or three witnesses. Here is a whole page full!

pdf Set Free by the Keys Popular

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Do you ever feel bound up with all kinds of negative emotions—with attitudes and feelings that you don’t like, don’t want and can’t very easily shake off? And you want to be set free quickly, right? These five keys really will set you free!

pdf The ABCs of Emotional Intelligence Popular

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Everyone has emotions. The question is: Do they have you? Are you the head, or have you mostly been the tail? Learning how to get free of negative emotions (past or present) will get anyone there. That’s the beginning stage—the ABCs—of emotional intelligence.

pdf The Bible on Diet and Health Popular

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You'll be surprised at how much the Bible reads like a health magazine. Even more surprising is how often it contradicts the prevailing "wisdom" of our age. No one knows our bodies better than the Lord: let's give a good listen to His wisdom.

pdf The Big Five Connectors to Jesus Popular

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Disconnected! It’s one of the easiest things to happen to a Christian and fairly easy to remedy, if you understand the game and how it’s played. There is only one problem to watch out for: You have to stay “plugged in” if you want to run the bases!

pdf The Missing Peace Popular

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Where our inner state is concerned, there are two great assignments which are actually gracious invitations to experience the life Jesus died to give us: emotional recovery and emotional mastery. Learn how to bring your heart to God and receive His Heart for you.

pdf The Problem of Suffering Popular

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Suffering: What’s the point of it? Who’s to blame for it? Why does God allow it? How can I avoid it? How can I get free? Why is it so hard to get free? Those last three questions anyone can ask. The first three require faith. That's what makes it so thorny.

pdf The Refrigerator Method for Healthy Bible Reading Popular

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The great thing in natural life is to keep up a steady and balanced approach to meals. The Refrigerator Method is a way of reading the Bible that will eventually take you through the whole of scripture, while following your “spiritual appetite.”

pdf Three Paths to Healing Popular

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For years we have believed that there are only two main, legitimate paths to healing: going to doctors and going to God in prayer. Thanks to modern medical science we can now clearly see that there is a third totally sensible path that they have identified.

pdf Unveiling the Dark Kingdom Popular

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pdf Weapons and Armor Explained Popular

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pdf What Causes Addiction? Popular

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This is one of the first lessons that I teach men in addiction recovery--that substance abuse isn't due to the substance. They look at me in surprise until they hear these four reasons why it's not the physiology, but the psychology that hooks them.

pdf What Causes Disease? Popular

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What causes disease? It would help to know wouldn’t it? Because then we would have a fighting chance to avoid it the next time. These surprising answers will take you through the mind-body connection established by science to Biblical truth long neglected.

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