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Heart Guide for Lesson 7:
Recognize and Replace

Read Jesus' story about the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)—a classic case of repentance and return.

1) How many of the six steps can you find in the story? What steps are left out? Which steps do you think are always necessary? Is it possible to take some of the steps to freedom in a different order? What might that look like? Are the steps necessary for God or for us?*

2) Can you recall a practically instantaneous turn-around that you may have experienced sometime? That's how quickly the steps of revelation/repentance/return can go!

3) Now think back to a time of prolonged struggle. Can you see how the Holy Spirit may have been helping you work/walk through the six steps? It is much easier to cooperate with Him, once we catch on to what He is doing. And how. And why.  

*Answer: God is not a legalist—but we sometimes need all the help we can get in turning around!

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