Main Points
Heart Guide for Lesson 23:
Spiritual Warfare 101
Carefully review these main points, making sure you understand them and can see how they might apply to your life. Ask the Lord to help you believe and live by His perspective on your reality.
1) Your heart is a 'weapon' both God and the devil want submitted to them.
2) Our Father is working 24/7 to help you learn how to go through your day the way Jesus went through His.
3) His Hands are working for good in all things - no evil can stick to you.
4) His Face is always available to be 'seen' by you to give you joy and peace.
5) The enemy can only make evil stick to us by our own unbelief and un-forgiveness - by deceiving us into sticking it to ourselves.
6) The enemy can't steal your joy and peace unless he gets you to 'look away' from Jesus to focus on the problem instead.
7) Basic training in spiritual warfare is learning to diligently guard your heart by keeping it surrendered to the Lord!
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