Heart Guide for Lesson 22:
No More Idols
Revelation is God turning on the lights so that we can see something that was formerly hidden to us. The enemy hides much in plain sight—hence, what is obvious to others about us, may not be something we 'see' at all. This is called denial by some, but from the Bible's point of view it is usually not a conscious refusal to see truth, but a self blinding work by the deceiver (2 Timothy 2:24-26; Revelation 4:12:9).
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Truth. As you go over this list, place a check mark beside areas where you are frequently beset (harassed or besieged).
__Legal and illegal drugs
__Eating disorders
__Foul language
__Sexual sins
__Compulsive behaviors
__Guilt and shame
__Judging others
__Self hatred
Now review the three powerful lies that bind besetting sins to us, making it hard for anyone to 'just say no' and walk in freedom. Write down the reasons why these lies might have gained a foothold in your heart and life. Take those reasons to the trauma teaching (Mending the Broken Heart) and pray through the issues that each one raises guided by the 5 ways that God mends trauma.
1) The lie of the idol _________________________________
2) The lie of the wounded heart ________________________
3) The lie of the distorted image _______________________
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